My Smart Legacy

The world is changing and now the opportunity to make wealth is within your reach.

The internet and the political climate are giving you a huge advantage, don’t waste it!

How do they make their money?

With the time you put in into building their corporations.

Why should this matter to you? 
Because you will work for 40 years, 40 hours a week, to retire at 69 with 40% of the salary you cannot live on right now.

Let's look at numbers.

 After you work for 40 hrs a week, after paying your bills, whatever money is left goes to the bank correct? the bank pays you an approx. anual income of  0.09% 

Inflation is at an all time high at 8.3%… and climbing like we have not seen in 40 years.
I am going to let you think about this before I continue…

It means your money is losing value while it sits in the bank correct??

Let’s look at the numbers closely because some of you are having a rude awakening
like I did a few years back.

One whole year:
$1,000 x 0.09% (interest paid) = $1,000.90
So you have $1,000.90 – 8.3% (inflation) = $917.90 this is what is left.


Your future is being controlled and impoverished right in front of you…

They have conditioned us to accept what the big financial institutions have put in front of us like the only option and we have not questioned it for a century. No, this is not a conspiracy theory. You do your own research, but don’t take too long accepting it. 

There is hope...

Now, let me show you the other side of the coin.

There are experts with all this knowledge on investments and profits. These experts are opening up their doors to people like you and me, making sure you receive what you deserve for putting your money in their hands. They will not make you feel like they are doing you a favor or charging you for using your money to make them money.
This master traders are not financial institutions like the banks or hedge fund managers, they want you to do as well as they are doing and I can show you what they have done for 1000s of people.

We are entering a new era, an era of  unlearning  what we though was the ONLY way and accepting it during decades (maybe even longer)  and learning  the truth about what really happens behind the big curtain.

The next generations will enjoy the wealth that was always meant to be ours.

What if there was a way to keep your money in a place where you generate a compound interest of 6% and up to 8%? Would that help you? of course!

Some say it’s too good to be true, well…it is true and it’s not good IT’S GREAT!


The reason we see it as amazing, is because we were/are used to getting crumbs for our money, that’s why it seems too good to be true. But, any experienced investor will tell you that their average spread is somewhere between 20-27% return on their investments, YES, you read that right, 20-27% conservatively speaking.

Now, what do you think about continuing to work 40 hours a week, to put your money in the bank and watch it slowly disappear with inflation? knowing now what I just mentioned ( and you don’t have to believe me, do your own research)  does 0.09% that you’ve been getting on your money all these years, does it sound fair? Does 6% and even 8% seem like a lot to you? Of course not, sounds fair.

Let’s talk and let me show you how we are doing this.

This is the moment when you start to wake up and change the next ten, twenty, thirty, forty years for you and your family.

"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and re-learn".

Futurista y filósofo Alvin Toffler

Now is the time to turn around and take the information you have; make your own research; ask the questions and take the necessary steps to change your status quo.

There are other ways to become financially stable, use them! Be proactive to secure your future and the future of your family.

We understand this and have partnered with a group of expert Master Traders who are helping various corporations put money in the pockets of its investors. How? investing your money in a prudent, conservative way and giving you DAILY profits so that YOU control them, so you have access to your money EVERY DAY at your fingertips.

This is the new normal in investing, they win, the corporation wins, and most importantly, WE WIN .

You will see a DAILY deposit in your account so you can watch it grow every day! TRANSPARENCY is now the name of the game.

Here I show you an active and very real account since it is one of my personal accounts where you will see the compound interest that is deposited daily and how it grows over time. You have access to your money when AND if the need arises. You will not have to go through barriers to be able to use your money, you can withdraw (you will get your withdrawal in 48 to 72 business hours) and invest whenever you want.

Si no está familiarizado con el interés compuesto, NECESITAS estarlo.

"Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. Who understands it, earn it; who doesn't pays it."

Albert Einstein

Contact me and I can tell you why these words 

“Compound Interest” will change your life.

Now, wouldn't you like your bank account to look like this?

Now, wouldn’t you like your bank account to look like this?

But do you want to see a little more before you are convinced?
You want to know more about how you can achieve the financial freedom that always eludes you?

It's okay. Let's talk about home ownership, for example.

Let’s use the amount of $150,000 to keep the numbers low to make a bigger impact. 

House cost: $150,000 

If you can find a home for 150k. (revised 05/01/22)

Deposit: 20% = $30,000
10-year mortgage loan of $120,000 at 4.7% interest:

Monthly payment $1,226 (before ins. and prop. taxes) x 10 years = $177,120


**Note** This was only estimated with a 10 year mortgage, typically mortgages are 30 years which means more interest to pay.

So far so good?… Now let’s see how to invest your money before you get a loan from a financial institution.

You invest $10,000 at 8% interest compounded monthly for 3 years:

Total: $159,681.72. 

You don’t believe me? get a compounding calculator and input the numbers. Now, get a statement from your last credit card and look to see if they use compounding interest when they apply interest to your previous balance. AHAA! is it starting to make sense?! They are not cheating, they are just using compounding interest to their advantage, start using it to yours.

NOW, you can buy your home without getting a loan or pay $27,120 in interest. You will be your OWN financial institution.

Let me remind you that these gains were the product of ONLY $10,000. IMAGINE what you can achieve if you invest the down payment you were going to put in the hands of the “lending institution”. Invest, grow your money and THEN you can be your own lending institution.

Contact me for the short presentation on how you will triple your
money in the next 3 years.

Let's change things TOGETHER,
let's help others TOGETHER.

Let’s talk about your needs, your wants, your family, your dreams and let’s make 

a plan on how you can have all that and more!


The ones that don’t know what is happening.

The ones that look at what is happening.

And the ones that MAKE THINGS HAPPEN.

Let’s talk and let me show you how more than 40,000 people have already

changed their lives and let’s make sure you too are on your way to the financial peace that is NOW possible with SCB.

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and "expecting different results. "

Albert Einstein

Get the results you want by taking action. Decide to hear the information
and make a decision that will change your life.