My Smart Legacy

Do you want a job that allows you to make your own schedule, plan your day, your week or plan months in advance? We all do! and some of us have that job.

And what is even better, we are getting paid in Bitcoin. If you are not familiar with it better get a quick course on it because you are a little behind, here is a little bit of info to get you started. Why is Bitcoin more valuable than the dollar?

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    Why is bitcoin gaining more value than the dollar?

    Imagine a job where the company tells you that when you become part of this organization it will help you Get Out of Debt, so you can Save and then Invest, because that is part of your job, letting others see how you have capitalized yourself to Get Out of Debt and show them how they can do it too! Has anyone ever heard or seen this from an employer?? I bet the answer is no.

    Well, Smart Business Corp. is not just any employer, they are people like you and me that got tired of being in debt and always with too much month left after their paycheck.

    The current way of working to old age and then retiring with 40% (“pension/ retirement”) of the money you could not live on in the first place is not working anymore, it hasn’t for a couple of decades!
    This is why we see so many people heading back to work after retirement, because reality sets in fast and the bill collectors keep coming, inflation keeps growing and jobs keep disappearing.

    Side note: For those youngsters reading this, 40% of your current salary, that is what your “retirement” will be. 

    We are here waiting on dreamers, doers, team players and ambitious individuals that want the next 5 years to be totally different than the last 5.
    These 40 minutes will change everything for you, if you want it…
    Think of this…
    A starting salary of 20 to 40k a year if getting harder to find because the competition for jobs keeps growing and employers know this, they know they don’t have to pay more when there are so many candidate like you that would gladly accept less as long as you are the “chosen” one. Those jobs come with a minimum of a 40 hr. work week leaving little time for life, that is until you retire at 65 and then… well, we mentioned above what you would be getting after 20, 30 of 40 years of service.

    Let me show you how you can change that and start making money from home or wherever you have access to wifi. This is the new era where YOU decide what is best for you and how much you want to make, don’t leave that decision to someone else.

    If you take a chance on you by this time next year, you will be in a TOTALY different place financially. One decision, it only takes one decision to change your life.

    I have done it and so have 30,000 other people.

    We will guide you, give you the tools to get where you want to go. With our compensation program you will be able to do THESE THREE STEPS right from the start.

    We first help by showing you how to capitalize yourself without getting into debt. I promise you WILL NOT have a monthly fee or a recurring monthly product consumption that will fill your garage with boxes of product you are forced to move to get your money back. There is no product, just a service. A service that benefits anyone that wants to increase their savings, anyone that wants to save money instead of spending it.
    Your initial investment is YOUR first investment, this is not money you will lose, on the contrary it will be growing at a 5% compounding monthly interest. Yes, you heard it right, to be part of this company, you we will have to save money and we will pay you for doing so.
    With these savings come several benefits that will be explained when we chat, but let me tell you that you can grow financially with this company and if you are an entrepreneur, we will help you get that dream, that idea, that business off the ground.
    Yes, we do not want you to work for us and not grow outside of the company we want you to grow in every aspect of life you want and have been wanting for a long time.

    Look at this opportunity as the stepping stone to many, many other projects.

    I bet you are interested now 😉 I told you this company is by the people for the people! Call me or send me a message and let me show you how your next 2, 3, 4 years can look like.

    'If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later!"

    Richard Branson
    “But, if I don’t have money how do you want me to save?!”

    I said the same thing when I heard this. Until I understood that their system was set up for me to succeed. They didn’t just tell me how to Pay My Debt, Save and Invest, THEY SHOWED ME HOW.

    And this is what I am offering you right now… don’t delay, every day you spend not taking action is a day that you delay your financial freedom.

    Let’s talk about what you need, where you are financially, what are your plans for the future and let’s make a plan on how to get you what you need so you can then get all you want.

    We have been successful for over 10 years doing this with already 30,000+ people just like you. Oh, did I mentioned that we are an international company? Yes! so your growth is not limited to the US or any other country! you can grow as big and as wide as you want.
    With our company you will grow in many different ways because we are about you growing and excelling, THAT IS what makes this corporation grow YOU, Us, All of Us Together!
    The more financially savvy and financially successful you become the more our company grows, the more YOUR company grows…

    We are built by people for the people.

    The world is changing and the way we make a livelihood is changing as well. This is your opportunity to not have to figure it out all by yourself and align yourself with people who thought about their people first, THIS is so important and I cannot stress it enough.
    Contact me at your earliest convenience and let’s talk about how you can start making money to pay off debt and then start multiplying your savings with the power of compounding interest.

    “Compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn't, pays it.”

    Albert Einstein

    Have any Questions? Contact Us

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    (224) 433-3479

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